Alexander Scholz (DE)

13:30 → 13:45
Introductory Talk

Alexander Scholz is a writer, artistic director, cultural worker, and journalist based in Berlin. As the founder and creative director of the platform HOLO, which focuses on editorial and curatorial activities in emerging creative practices, he contributes to the production and dissemination of knowledge on interdisciplinary boundaries, artistic research, and cultural transformations in the digital age. Over the past few years, he has curated exhibitions, conferences, and educational programs for organizations and festivals, including A.C.C. (Kwangju, KR), Mapping (Geneva, CH), MUTEK (Montreal, CA), and NODE Forum for Digital Arts (Frankfurt, DE).

Afternoon topic: Constructive utopia (Play)

Playful interactions, storytelling, and game dynamics are among the most powerful influences on the human mind. Let's step into the impressive dimensions of large-scale installations and immerse ourselves in the connection between cognition, control, and technology.

The phenomenon of play is (seemingly) a light-hearted way of fascination with the world, order, chaos and the joy of the sheer play of forms, but also of cognition. The interactivity of computer games or objects, like the fusion of monumental static architectural structures with moving images, are valuable ways to tap into positive energy. Play is not only a way of education, but also of ancient rituals in which the duality of light and darkness has always played a central role. Fairy tales, stories, metaphors, parables, dramatic light séances lead to a balance of the elements.

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